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Cry our beloved South Africa

South Africa is a microcosm of what is undoubtedly to happen to Western societies worldwide. International media outlets paid close attention to South Africa in the years leading up to and shortly following the 1994 ANC takeover. For the global media, it was a Leftist feel-good story. The era of Apartheid was over, and a new age of black - and moderate communist - rule was beginning. But recently, South Africa has been off international news radar screens. This is mainly because there is little “good” news to report from that country. For Western societies around the world, suffering from mass migrations, the Rainbow Nation serves as a warning to what happens when you become a small minority in a country that your forefathers built and made prosperous and free.

Centuries ago, the southern portion of Africa was largely uninhabited. The Dutch and English settled the region, and Europeans were the predominant group until the middle of the 19th century. Immigrants, mostly black, illiterate and war-hungry, poured into South Africa, and the black population grew faster than the white indigenous population. By the time Apartheid laws were enacted in the mid-20th century, the percentage of indigenous Europeans had already fallen to about 25%. Today, it stands at less than 10%. Over a million white South Africans is believed to have left the country and the continent as a whole already, and this exodus does not seem to be altered or reversed anytime soon.

On the surface, the lifestyle of white people in South Africa is similar to nations like America or Australia where they still constitute the majority. The typical European family lives in a suburban house -- albeit with extensive security systems -- in a neighborhood that is predominantly European. It is even possible to find neighborhoods that are over 90% white, particularly in Pretoria and Cape Town. Of the more than 3 million whites living in major cities, about half lived in suburbs that were over 80% white, according to the 2001 census. The downside of this population distribution is that there are practically no rural areas that are majority white. In effect, foreign immigrants have become squatters on virtually all South African territory.

After the communist ANC seized power in 1994, the municipal and provincial system of local government in the country was reorganized. Lines were drawn to ensure that no majority white government areas would exist, even in areas with large white populations. White areas are combined with larger black areas to produce a black (and hence ANC) majority, which is easy to do in a country that’s only 10% white overall. The best example is Pretoria, the nation’s capital. Within the traditional boundaries, Pretoria had a population of about 525,000 in 2001, two-thirds of whom were white. But the new local government in Pretoria now includes the entire metro area including all of the black and coloured townships, so that the white percentage is diluted to 25%. Thus, it is now impossible to elect a European majority city government (and hence a right-wing one) in one of the nation’s "whitest" cities.

To add insult to injury, South Africa is in the midst of renaming many places from European to African names, to consign vestiges of European culture down the Orwellian memory hole. In this new official terminology, cities such as Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Durban assume the new names: Tshwane, Mangaung and Ethekwini. Johannesburg’s international airport, once named for a former Boer prime minister, Jan Smuts, now bears the name of a communist ANC politician, Oliver Tambo. And these examples are just the tip of the iceberg. The percentage of indigenous Europeans in South Africa is roughly the same percentage of Western oriented people in the world as a whole. Thus, South Africa could be a microcosm of what is to happen to Western societies worldwide. As national borders blur and mass migrations of peoples become more common, the natural question becomes, will every once Western and free country suffer the fate of South Africa?

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12 Reacties:

At 12:40 Philippe said...

De tekst is juist op het randeke denk ik, maar los daarvan heb ik inhoudelijk al gezegd dat ik niet geloof dat heel Zuid-Afrika onbewoond was toen de Hollanders aankwamen...

At 12:41 Anoniem said...

Ook uw pleidooi over het veranderen van namen van de steden kan ik moeilijk vatten. Dat is toch iets van alle tijden en alle plaatsen. Leopoldville bestaan ook niet meer he!

At 12:41 Mike said...

@ Anonieme

"Leopoldville bestaan ook niet meer"

En vind je dat geen schande??

At 17:51 Marc Huybrechts said...

@ Philippe

Wat bedoelt u met "het randeke"? Het toelaatbare? In dat geval zou u goed passen in het nieuwe 'communistisch' Zuid Afrika.

Heeft er iemand beweerd dat er niemand in het zuiden van Afrika leefde vooraleer de Holanders er aankwamen? Nee! Dus wat is de relevantie van uw opmerking? Wat u wel zou moeten weten is dat er toen geen functionerende staat 'Zuid Afrika' bestond.

Uw opmerking is dus naast de kwestie. En de kwestie was: wat gebeurt er wanneer een relatief-kleine democratische sub-cultuur in een groter ondemocratisch politiek bestel terecht komt? In die zin kan men in Zuid Afrika de toekomst van de wereld zien. En die toekomst ziet er niet goed uit in een wereld zonder 'grenzen'.

At 11:55 Anoniem said...
Ranking for the top colleges for white people in the U.S.A.

At 13:38 Anoniem said...

Dit kan de toekomst zijn van Europa. Niet dat de Islam alles over neemt maar dat wij droog en veilig in speciale wijken en woontorens zitten terwijl het buiten een oorlogszone is.

At 16:32 D. G. Neree said...

ter uwer informatie:

nog enkele links op mijn weblog:

At 16:35 D. G. Neree said...

Alfabetiche namenlijst van vermoorde boeren:

At 10:55 Bevroper said...

Anonymous - thanks for forwarding this White Pride web link. I will forward it to my contacts at the college.

Speaking to my own experience, and "to be clear" (using a favorite phrase of our current U.S. president), I was raised in Greensboro, North Carolina (a confederate state still practicing legal segregation in the 1950's and '60's). In 1966 my family moved to Boardman, Ohio (a Great Lakes industrial state where legal segregation was never practiced - neighborhoods may have seemed segregated, but white and 'colored' schools did not exist). I graduated from high school in 1969 and entered Grove City that same year. It was the first time I ever attended a school where a Black person was enrolled. Stephanie Mills graduated from GCC in 1970, where she was a member of one of the most popular sororities and melded into the student body not as a 'token' but as a full-fledged competing student. I understand that her parents held deeply-felt convictions about liberty, freedom, and peace, and wanted their daughter to attend a school where she would not be considered a freak or statistic, but rather an equal.

These types of discussions are so demeaning for all concerned. Racism is self-defeating and about as far from the tenets of the Christian faith as any. Since GCC is a Christian college, it will not and cannot ever support racist thinking or action. The latter includes recruiting and admitting otherwise non-qualified students based on race. Such practices forcefully enhance and support racism.

Reviewing the other schools on the list, I had to laugh at Brigham Young University's inclusion. Having attended a conference at BYU for several days, I can again personally attest to its diverse student body. The university teaches 265 languages! If you ever have the opportunity to visit Provo, UT, and Pittsburgh, PA, please take time to visit Brigham Young and Grove City. Afterwards, visit any university or college in the U.S. with the same tuition and board-and-room expenses charged to students at GCC and BYU, and compare the environments. I am 100% positive that you will be amazed at the value and educational experience at GCC and BYU. You will also see that 'minority' students (by government's definition), integrate more seamlessly into college life at GCC and BYU. Race is simply not a factor.

At 10:56 Bevroper said...

Vincent, reading your Facebook entries, it appears that you are busy in Europe. I forwarded the petition you wrote from Mont Pelerin to President Klaus to Libertarians here. It's simply incomprehensible that the political elite have us (and him) by the throat on "global warming". Stupid, stupid. That 'other' Czech, Joseph Schumpeter, proves prescient.

At 10:56 Bevroper said...

Vincent, interesting articles about Turkey in the WSJ. Today two Letters to the Editor on the topic must be forwarded to Sophie. I will copy you on them.

At 11:08 Vincent De Roeck said...

Thanks for the answer Beverly,

I don't think "anonymous" wanted to imply or suggest that you or your alma mater (Grove City College) were racist or bigoted in any way.

I think he just wanted to bring this to your attention. Apparently, the ranking is based on no single significant parameter, and their findings are false. I am always worried about these things, especially after the Belgian press committed character assasination against my political hero (Ron Paul) by always writing about an endorsement he got from former KKK leader David Duke... I don't know why, but for some reason, racists and white supremacists always want to allign with libertarians -- to the detriment of the latter.

Good luck with everything, and hope to see you soon!


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